The Gift of Today – March 15 – Overcoming Temptation

Father, please help us to focus on loving You with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength! Instead of focusing on our behaviors, and on ourselves, help us to lose ourselves in You so that we can truly be found! Amen
The thing with overcoming temptation is that we CAN’T do it in our own strength. We continue to do what we don’t want to do, and don’t do what we want to do. What we pray for is GOD’S strength. The closer we draw to Him, the more that sin falls away from us.
Think of yourself as being covered in syrup. Sin sticks easily. The closer you draw to God, He starts washing patches of you. The washed patches aren’t sticky and sin just slips off. It can’t cling anymore to the clean parts. If you focus on growing in Christ, reading the Bible, reading about the Bible, listening to sermons listening to praise and worship music, praying lots throughout the day, more and more of you will get clean. You won’t have to work at it, you will BECOME more holy simply by immersing yourself in God.
For a long time I really tried to be better too. I always failed, because I was doing it in my own strength. When I stopped trying and just focused on learning about God and spending time with Him, it just happened without me even really noticing. Until one day I realized I’m much different than I was.
Put your effort into God, seek His kingdom first, THEN all these things will be added to you 🙂
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